Berbahayakah Bila Memiliki Skin Tags?

Berbahayakah Bila Memiliki Skin Tags?
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Have you ever been curious about skin growths on your neck, chest, or other locations that are not moles? Is it harmful and requires medical attention?

Skin tags (acrochordons) are common skin growths that are frequently mistaken for moles. Skin tags are non-cancerous, stemmed skin growths that typically resemble the color of the skin. They appear as a group of extended (hanging) skin tissue that is occasionally deeper in color and resembles a developing mole or wart. Skin tags typically size 1–5 mm but may grow up to 5 cm.

Skin tags may grow on the eyelids, armpits, under the breasts, thigh creases, upper chest, and neck. Its presence is not always noticeable unless it is in a visible location. Skin tags may have smooth or uneven surfaces, and they resemble growing fruit hanging from a stem.


The Causes for The Growth of Skin Tags

Skin tags form when the body produces additional cells in the skin's top layer. They typically form in skin folds and regions where body movement causes the skin to rub. However, some specialists believe that skin tags form when an accumulation of collagen and blood vessels become trapped in a larger area of skin.

Skin tags may also be more common in those who have a family history of skin tags, experience diabetes, obesity, or skin diseases, or are on growth hormone.


Will Skin Tags Become Dangerous?

Skin tags are not harmful and won't cause you any medical conditions. When they rub against your clothing, jewelry, or other items, some skin tags can fall off on their own. However, you might be able to get it removed with therapy if the size is significant enough to affect your appearance.


How to Remove Skin Tags

A number of everyday products may be helpful to treat small skin tags, such as:

  • Applying tea tree oil to the skin tag region allows it to dry and come off on its own.
  • Peels from bananas: The antioxidants in banana peels can help in the removal of skin tags. Apply a banana peel to the skin tags each night until they fall off.
  • Apply apple cider vinegar to the skin tags, cover with a bandage or towel for 15 to 30 minutes, and then clean the area. For a few weeks, repeat daily. Apple cider vinegar's acidity weakens the tissue surrounding skin tags, which may lead to their removal. 
  • Apply crushed garlic to the skin tag location and leave it there overnight. The following day, cover with cotton wool or a bandage and rinse with water. According to this technique, skin tags will shrink and fall off.

Wide skin tags are not spontaneously removable. You may need to undergo numerous medical procedures to remove it.

  • Cauterization refers to the removal of skin tags using electrolysis
  • Cryosurgery freezes skin tags using liquid nitrogen, which can inhibit tissue growth
  • Ligation involves cutting off the blood supply to the skin tag, causing it to die and fall off
  • Excision is the removal of skin tags using a scalpel

Removing large skin tags should not be done carelessly. A skilled dermatologist or skin specialist should perform the skin tag removal treatment. Especially if the skin tags are located in high-risk locations, including the eyelids or genitals. Removing skin tags at home with any instruments can result in bleeding and infection. Talk with your doctor about whether you want skin tags removed from your skin.

If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more tips and tricks for health, first aid, and other home remedies? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Jumat, 10 Januari 2025 | 16:26

Yvette Brazier (2017). All you need to know about skin tags. Available from:

Cleveland Clinic (2021). Skin Tags (Acrochordons). Available from:

Valencia Higuera and Dana Robinson (2022). Everything to Know About Skin Tag Removal. Available from: